
New in EAC certification of electrical equipment and appliances

Regulatory changes in EAC certification of electrical equipment and appliances, several changes are introduced from December 11, 2022:

CU TR 004 “Safety of low-voltage equipment”

Newly excluded products

  • Equipment, except cables, wires and cords, that is covered by technical regulations CU TR 010 (Machinery), CU TR 011 (Elevators), CU TR 012 (Ex-proof),
  • Equipment not intended for release into circulation, transfer on a gratuitous basis, rental, hire or lease.
  • Components of low-voltageequipment, if they cannot be accessed by the consumer except as built into the equipment.
  • Components (connectors, winding wires, printed circuit boards, microswitches, relays, integrated circuits, discrete semiconductor devices, capacitors, inductors, resistors, filters), the safety of which can only be determined as part of the equipment.

Refined definitions

  • "Low voltage equipment" — "electrical equipment, for which, at all inputs and outputs, the rated voltage (with the exception of the spark discharge voltage) does not exceed 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC".
  • "Used Low Voltage Equipment" — “low-voltageequipment with one or more signs of use for its intended purpose by the consumer, and which is documented".
  • "Batch of low-voltage equipment" — “a set of units of equipment of the same name and / or designation, produced during a certain period of time in the same production conditions and accompanied by one shipping document”.
  • "Household equipment" — “electrical equipment intended for use for purposes not related to production, trade and other commercial activities, the operational documents for which do not contain a restriction on use in everyday life". 

Equipment subject to certification

Added items:

  • Automatic control devices for household electrical equipment;
  • Household consoles and control panels, controllers;
  • Personal computers, including system units;
  • Cash registers, including those working in conjunction with a computer.


The update clarifies what is included in "office equipment" category:

  • Scanners, printers and copiers (including MFPs);
  • Monitors;
  • Uninterruptible power supplies;
  • Active acoustic systems;
  • Multimedia projectors.

“Electrified tools (hand-held and portable electric machines)" is replaced by "Electric heating tools”. 

“Circuit breakers, residual current devices” is supplemented with “fuses, switchgears, switches, contactors, starters”.

Products excluded from certification, and now subject to declaration of conformity:

  • Apparatuses for the distribution of electrical energy,
  • Apparatuses electric for control of electrotechnical installations.

CU TR 020 "EMC"

Newly excluded products

  • Devices designed to ensure safety in the field of atomic energy;
  • Used devices;
  • Medical devices;
  • Defense devices.
  • Electric batteries and accumulators and equipment powered by them without active electronic circuits.
  • Equipment for which the precise requirements for electromagnetic compatibility are established in other technical regulations.

Refined definitions

  • "Used equipment" — “low-voltage equipment with one or more signs of operation (pollution, external and internal dustiness, traces of exposure to extreme temperatures, liquids or sunlight, corrosion, patina, scuffs, scratches, dents and other damage, broken or changed pre-salesettings and programs, repaired or replaced units, parts, components, lack of seals, stoppers, plugs, protective coatings, shells, cases and other elements removed during operation), which was used for its intended purpose by the consumer, which is documented the confirmation".
  • "Batch of equipment" — “a set of units of low-voltage equipment, of the same name and / or designation, produced during a certain period of time in the same production conditions and accompanied by one shipping document”.
  • "Household equipment" — “electrical equipment intended for use by the user for purposes not related to production, trade and other commercial activities, the operational documents for which do not contain a ban on use in everyday life."

Equipment subject to certification

Added items:

  • Automatic control devices for household electrical equipment;
  • Household consoles and control panels, controllers;
  • Personal computers, including system units;
  • Cash registers, including those working in conjunction with a computer.

The update clarifies what is included in "office equipment" category:

  • Scanners, printers and copiers (including MFPs);
  • Monitors;
  • Uninterruptible power supplies;
  • Active acoustic systems;
  • Multimedia projectors.

Other changes

The operational documents for household equipment must be executed on paper and included with the product. For non-household equipment, the operational documents can be electronic-only.  


1.      Decision of the EEC Council dated June 10, 2022 No. 90 "On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Low-Voltage Equipment" (CU TR 004/2011)"

2.      Decisionof the EEC Council dated June 10, 2022 No. 91 "On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union"Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Equipment" (CU TR020/2011)"
